Solo Prep February 22, 2021

NOTE: Subscribers can download the DIY graphics, sales one sheets and audio clips on the Show Prep page here with their login or in the shared Dropbox folder.  

Tease: Coming up in ___________ minutes, this plane has been grounded  

Boeing has recommended the grounding of its 777 jets with a particular engine model while the FAA determines how best to inspect them. A 777 suffered an in-flight engine failure over the weekend that scattered debris across a Colorado suburb. A passenger caught the harrowing experience on video, luckily nobody was hurt. But a few of them were happy they packed a change of pants. (Additional out) ‘If you’ll look out the right side of the plane you’ll see… uh-oh that’s not good.’  

Tease: In ___­­­­___ minutes, how kittens got the bomb squad called out in Ohio  

Ohio police rushed to defuse a suspected bomb outside a church, but it turned out to be a bag of squirmy kittens. After responding to the ‘suspicious package’ call recently the bomb unit from Butler County opened it to discover a cat and her six adorable 1-day-old kittens. To be safe all seven of them have now been placed on the terror watch list. (Additional out) ‘What is it Johnson?’ ‘Its… adorable sir’.  

Tease: Coming up at ­­­­­­­­­­­­_____, why economists think there might be a post-Covid boom in jobs and wages  

An uptick in economic indicators and the prospect of more stimulus have economists talking about the possibility of a post-Covid boom in jobs and wages. In recent weeks economists have been talking about a supercharged rebound that brings down unemployment, drives up wages and may foster years of stronger growth. Mainly I’m just looking forward to the post-Covid part, whenever that may be. (Additional out) I’m thinking there might be a post-Covid baby boom as well.  

Tease: In _____ minutes, how much a website is offering to pay you to sleep  

A website is offering to pay you 2 grand to sleep for research. Plus, the literal dream job includes a night in a five-star resort., a website that provides info on sleep quality products, is looking for someone willing to make $2,000 to help it study the influence of environmental factors on the quality of sleep. Quick question, do you also cover my mini bar tab? Because if you’re gonna hook up a bunch of wires and watch me sleep I’m gonna need several of those tiny bottles. (Additional out) I’m out, last time a guy paid to watch me sleep it did not end well.  

Phone Topic/Web Poll: Another trend that’s gone viral on TikTok has people everywhere trying to touch their left shoulder with their left palm. TikTok user Lauren Murphy started the trend and it quickly went viral. Just search palm shoulder and you’ll go down a rabbit hole of examples. Most people can’t do it and you can count me in that number. How about you, can you touch your left palm to your left shoulder, if not how close do you get?  

Contest Tease: Coming up at _____________, how many hours per week does the average American do this? The correct answer wins ________.  

[Contest setup] According to a survey by the American Cleaning Institute, which is a real thing that exists, how many hours a week does the average person clean their home?  

A: 2 hours  

B: 4 hours  

C: 6 hours  

Answer: C, on average Americans spend approximately six hours per week cleaning their homes. So, I guess I’m the only one who waits and does the mad two-hour dash to clean up right before someone comes over.  

[DIY Feature] Name that Movie Monday: I’ll give you a clue and play a short clip, the first person to call in and correctly identify the movie wins ________. If no one gets it I’ll move on to another clue and a slightly longer clip.  

Clue #1: 2001 Rom Com  

Clue #2: Reinterpretation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice  

Clue #3: Renee, Colin & Hugh  

Answer: Bridget Jones’s Diary  

5 Things You Need to Know  

1) Boeing has recommended the grounding of its 777 jets with a particular engine model while the FAA determines how best to inspect them. A 777 suffered an in-flight engine failure over the weekend that scattered debris across a Colorado suburb. A passenger caught the harrowing experience on video, luckily nobody was hurt. But a few of them were happy they packed a change of pants.  

2) Ohio police rushed to defuse a suspected bomb outside a church, but it turned out to be a bag of squirmy kittens. After responding to the ‘suspicious package’ call recently the bomb unit from Butler County opened it to discover a cat and her six adorable 1-day-old kittens. To be safe all seven of them have now been placed on the terror watch list.  

3) An uptick in economic indicators and the prospect of more stimulus have economists talking about the possibility of a post-Covid boom in jobs and wages. In recent weeks economists have been talking about a supercharged rebound that brings down unemployment, drives up wages and may foster years of stronger growth. Mainly I’m just looking forward to the post-Covid part, whenever that may be.  

4) A website is offering to pay you 2 grand to sleep for research. Plus, the literal dream job includes a night in a five-star resort., a website that provides info on sleep quality products, is looking for someone willing to make $2,000 to help it study the influence of environmental factors on the quality of sleep. I’m out, last time a guy paid to watch me sleep it did not end well.  

5) According to a survey by the American Cleaning Institute, which is a real thing that exists, on average Americans spend approximately six hours per week cleaning their homes. So, I guess I’m the only one who waits and does the mad two-hour dash to clean up right before someone comes over.  

Can You Touch Your Palm To Your Shoulder?  

Another trend that’s gone viral on TikTok has people everywhere trying to touch their left shoulder with their left palm. TikTok user Lauren Murphy started the trend and it quickly went viral. Just search palm shoulder and you’ll go down a rabbit hole of examples. Most people can’t do it and you can count me in that number. How about you, can you touch your left palm to your left shoulder, if not how close do you get? We posed those questions to our  _________ listeners, click below to hear their responses, take the web poll below to weigh in, then listen tomorrow at _______ to hear the results.  

(Upload audio from your best calls)  

(Web poll)  

Can you touch your left palm to your left shoulder?  



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