Solo Prep February 10, 2021

NOTE: Download the DIY graphics, sales one sheets and audio clips on the Show Prep page here with your login or in the shared Dropbox folder.  

Tease: Coming up in ___________ minutes, more good Covid news  

32.9 million Americans have been given their first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, roughly 1 in 10 Americans. That’s encouraging but challenges remain, including supply shortages and the looming threat of new variants. Also, the FDA approved a Covid-19 therapy from drug maker Eli Lily, giving doctors another option to treat seriously ill patients. Elsewhere, in China a WHO official said it was ‘very unlikely’ that the coronavirus accidentally leaked from a lab. Then I’m assuming he winked and picked up a bag of cash. (Additional out) The scientific equivalent of saying ‘Nothing to see here folks, move along’.  

Tease: In ___­­­­___ minutes, the percentage of Americans who believe Trump should be convicted in the impeachment trial  

56% of Americans support convicting Trump in the impeachment trial and barring him from office. That’s according to both a CBS News poll and an ABC/Ipsos poll. In the previous impeachment trial that number never rose above 50 percent. The second impeachment trial continues today with House managers making a more detailed case for conviction. And I’m assuming playing some more hard to watch video montages. (Additional out) Keep in mind 56% of Americans couldn’t even agree on whether that dress was blue and black or white and gold.  

Tease: Coming up at ­­­­­­­­­­­­_____, a new concept car that walks  

Hyundai’s latest concept ‘car’ walks to places it can’t drive. The Hyundai Tiger X-1 has four wheels, each powered by an electric motor, and will be used for rescue missions. The autonomous vehicle that’s made for carrying cargo and not people, will drive as far as it can on wheels but when it encounters obstacles it can’t drive over, it will rise up on its legs and walk over them. Hopefully the next model carries passengers so I can walk over rush hour traffic. (Additional Out) Just another way we’re making sure robots can get everywhere they need to go to snuff us all out once the robot apocalypse starts.  

Tease: In _____ minutes, why a Texas lawyer had to tell a judge ‘I’m not a cat’  

A Texas lawyer told a judge ‘I’m not a cat’ after a zoom filter mishap during a virtual court hearing yesterday. District Court Judge Roy B. Ferguson kindly addressed the cat in the virtual room suggesting that attorney Rod Ponton adjust his Zoom settings. The mishap was posted by the court’s YouTube channel. He should’ve left it on, it’s hard to rule against a cute and cuddly little fur-ball. (Additional out) Some SNL skits just write themselves.  

Phone Topic/Web Poll: The Dallas Mavericks quietly stopped playing the national anthem before home games at owner Mark Cuban’s direction. The Atlantic first noticed 13 games into the season because the team didn’t publicize the decision. When asked Mark Cuban confirmed the decision and said the Mavericks do not plan on resuming the tradition to play the national anthem before games in the future but declined to comment further. Over the summer Cuban complained about the “national anthem police” being angry at players kneeling during the anthem. What do you think, should all American NBA teams be required to play the national anthem?  

Contest Tease: Coming up at _____________, what percentage of Americans actually use this membership? The correct answer wins ________.  

[Contest setup] If you’ve already given up on your New Year’s resolution to work out more don’t feel bad, you’re not alone. According to a recent survey, what percentage of gym members actually go to the gym consistently?  

A: 18%  

B: 28%  

C: 38%  

Answer: A, about 18% of members actually go the gym consistently. And roughly ten percent of those people are that guy that’s always there talking to people but never actually works out.  

[DIY Feature] What in the World Wednesday: I’ll give you riddle clues about a place, person or thing and the first person to guess it correctly wins _________. If no one gets it, I’ll give you more clues.  

Hint: Things  

Clue 1: 100 million of these are manufactured every year  

Clue 2: The first one was sold in Paris in 1868 and weighed 176 pounds  

Clue 3: Sales of these personal transportation devices spiked during the pandemic  

Answer: Bicycles  

5 Things You Need to Know  

1) 32.9 million Americans have been given their first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, roughly 1 in 10 Americans. That’s encouraging but challenges remain, including supply shortages and the looming threat of new variants. Also, the FDA approved a Covid-19 therapy from drug maker Eli Lily, giving doctors another option to treat seriously ill patients. Elsewhere, in China a WHO official said it was ‘very unlikely’ that the coronavirus accidentally leaked from a lab. Then I’m assuming he winked and picked up a bag of cash.  

2) 56% of Americans support convicting Trump in the impeachment trial and barring him from office. That’s according to both a CBS News poll and an ABC/Ipsos poll. In the previous impeachment trial that number never rose above 50 percent. The second impeachment trial continues today with House managers making a more detailed case for conviction. Keep in mind 56% of Americans couldn’t even agree on whether that dress was blue and black or white and gold.  

3) Hyundai’s latest concept ‘car’ walks to places it can’t drive. The Hyundai Tiger X-1 has four wheels, each powered by an electric motor, and will be used for rescue missions. The autonomous vehicle that’s made for carrying cargo and not people, will drive as far as it can on wheels but when it encounters obstacles it can’t drive over, it will rise up on its legs and walk over them. Hopefully the next model carries passengers so I can walk over rush hour traffic.  

4) A Texas lawyer told a judge ‘I’m not a cat’ after a zoom filter mishap during a virtual court hearing yesterday. District Court Judge Roy B. Ferguson kindly addressed the cat in the virtual room suggesting that attorney Rod Ponton adjust his Zoom settings. The mishap was posted by the court’s YouTube channel. Some SNL skits just write themselves.  

5) If you’ve already given up on your New Year’s resolution to work out more don’t feel bad, you’re not alone. According to a recent survey only about 18% of gym members actually go the gym consistently. And roughly ten percent of those people are that guy that’s always there talking to people but never actually works out.  

Should all NBA Teams Be Required to Play the National Anthem?  

The Dallas Mavericks quietly stopped playing the national anthem before home games at owner Mark Cuban’s direction. The Atlantic first noticed 13 games into the season because the team didn’t publicize the decision. When asked Mark Cuban confirmed the decision and said the Mavericks do not plan on resuming the tradition to play the national anthem before games in the future but declined to comment further. Over the summer Cuban complained about the “national anthem police” being angry at players kneeling during the anthem. What do you think, should all American NBA teams be required to play the national anthem? We posed that question to our  _________ listeners, click below to hear their responses, take the web poll below to weigh in, then listen tomorrow at _______ to hear the results.  

(Upload audio from your best calls)  

(Web poll)  

Should all American NBA teams be required to play the national anthem?  



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